Rapid Screening of Advanced Sorbent Materials

Revolutionizing materials discovery for carbon capture and gas separations.

About Us

Matrix Sensors, Inc. is a materials characterization startup based in San Diego, California. We are a team of chemists, materials scientists, and engineers who have invented a novel method for rapidly screening adsorbent materials for use in carbon capture, gas purification, and gas storage.  

The Problem

A widely-recognized bottleneck in the development of advanced sorbents is the time it takes to test the material. Several instruments are commercially available today but they are based on decades-old technologies, and single tests can take days or even weeks to complete. Matrix Sensors’ solution is up to 20x faster.

Our Solution

Our rapid screening technology measures materials in the form of thin films. This enables the use of very sensitive, compact ‘measurements on a chip’. Our test speed advantage is due to the fact that gas diffusion into a thin film is inherently faster than diffusion into bulk powders (used in conventional methods) which speeds equilibration times. In addition, we can obtain unique data including:        

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